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Our Volunteer Programme is now run on an annual basis.

This means that at the beginning of each season, our volunteer programme will reset and we will invite volunteers to re-apply.

The level of commitment required each year differs from role to role.

In our monthly volunteer newsletter, there will be a call for what roles need to be filled for the month ahead and you can let us know where you will be able to help.


The Masque Theatre is a non-profit organisation and relies on the community’s involvement to keep running.

Founded in 1959, the Masque Theatre has undergone many transformations in its lifetime, but our core value has always remained the same. Currently, we are a first class theatre venue, hosting a variety of live shows and events, both public and private.

Our commitment to the community is to develop and utilise the talent available in the local and surrounding areas to cast all productions. The intention is to offer opportunities to local artists, both the experienced and the inexperienced, in the performing arts. From the front-of-house gang to the backstage crew - we are working on making a difference.

Our mission here at the Masque Theatre is to be able to create opportunities for adults and youngsters alike. These opportunities would provide training opportunities for aspiring artists in the various mediums of theatrical arts, and to provide a venue that offers fabulous entertainment to the community and its visitors.

We imagine a safe space for community members to play, where they are a part of something bigger than themselves; a space where members can connect and celebrate the art of storytelling and live theatre.


With an army of volunteers, we can do amazing things! Listed below are some of our ongoing needs:

(We do require our volunteers to be 16 years or older)

The Face of the Masque

When you are a Masque Ambassador, you will be a vital part of our patrons' experience.


Box Office - sell tickets and programmes prior to a show

Usher - greet guests as they arrive and scan their tickets before a show

Bar - ensure that our patrons' are served with a smile

Front of House Manager - this role is available by invitation only

In The Spotlight

Get involved in the variety of productions we have available throughout the year! You could appear onstage or bring your vision to life as a director.

Behind the Scenes

If you're willing, we will train you! We need people to run lights (spots) for shows as well as work the sound board.

We also need stealthy volunteers to be our backstage ninjas!

Ad-Hoc Roles

We are always in need of extra sets of hands to help with everything from set building, costume design, hanging production posters around town, organising the wardrobe department to painting and sewing... We need you! Just ask.

No prior experience? No problem! We provide all the training you need to excel in your role.

By filling out this form, you'll be seamlessly integrated into our network and receive our quarterly volunteer newsletters, packed with updates and opportunities. And don't worry, you can opt out anytime with just a click.

Which area of volunteer work at the theatre would you most enjoy?
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© The Masque 2024

37 Main Road, Muizenberg, 7945

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